From the launch to the boulders at the 'end' of the cove is just under 3 miles.
Trumpet vine
It's really hard to get a clear photo while bobbing around, so bear with me while I am learning.
I THINK this is creeping primrose.
There are only about 5 million different yellow flowers, which I why I have yet to learn very many summer wildflowers.
turtle swoosh
I found a squatch!
Okay, well, I put it there in the first place, so I don't think that counts.
Ben is touching the bottom of the lake with his paddle
Huge cattail and willow island
This thing was SO cool, the water around it was super shallow, so we could see fish and turtles swimming. On the island, bullfrogs were going at it. Herons and a couple of egrets were poking around the shallows, butterflies were flitting around, bees, and little orange flies. There were swifts or some similar small bird hunting the orange flies, which was cool to watch. Ben saw 3 bald eagles, I missed all of them! But I don't doubt him, we have seen several recently.
The kayaks are very stable, as Ben demonstrates here by freaking me out sailing around standing up. It is very, very shallow here, not even hip deep.
I hopped out to explore the island and found a ton of poison oak, a shed snakeskin, and a toe biter water beetle. I am calling it Horror Island.
Snake Skin
Ben snagging a floating bottle. That was the only trash we saw!
This was a great spot, other than the poor timing on our part putting us out in the heat of the day! We arrived early but played around a long while before getting down to serious paddling. I liked getting out of the boats and exploring a little, too.