Monday, March 28, 2016

14/52 Welti and Home

Neither are big hikes and I would not count them except-combined they put me at 200 miles for the year!    

The falls area and the creek got REALLY badly hit by the storms at Christmas and likely subsequent flooding, too.  Whole trees had been ripped up, the banks washed out, rocks and dirt exposed and about 10 trees just waiting to go, barely hanging in by the very exposed roots.  It looked so different!

We went with Gina and Jeff, had lunch at the Cantina-my second trip for the week.  I also went Thursday night with Andrea.  I have now sworn off Mexican food.  hahaha  When I was there with Andrea, 2 things happened of note.  One, I inadvertently made eye contact with the line cook several times, which ended up being annoying to me, no doubt he was horrified to have this 40 year old woman looking him over.  hahaha.  I could not help it, we were right across from the window in the kitchen and he was literally the only thing in there to look at.  Other than the hall to the bathroom.  Second, we left and Andrea had a flat tire!  So we waited for the insurance to send a guy to change it.  It was pouring rain!  It stopped by the time he got there, but by then, he was already on the way, so we just waited and discussed walking across to Dairy Queen even though we both were too full to move.  We didn't.

Some of the storm damage

Added tumeric to the boiled eggs this morning.  In honor of Easter.

Matt and I headed to the campsite with hammocks and rain flys

I was expecting much more water!

Oh this dog.

Wild azalea

One thing I can do really fast is set up my hammock!

This annoys Matt, who has not gotten up to speed yet in that area.

He finally moved, after shooting me MANY dirty looks for having an opinion.
I put my rain kilt over my legs, it were a mite cool this afternoon!

Watched the rain a while

Ate some of a Reester bunny

Ignored the pleas to have a bite from the Peanut Gallery

I really like the way the fabric in my hammock feels.

Matt, on Instagram.
In the woods


wood sorrel

The campsite

devil's urn

rain kilt

It did not rain hard enough to be able to tell if I will like it more than my rain pants.  I am betting yes, with my gaiters over my lower legs.

And that's it!
Plans for the week include a short backpacking trip to South Cumberland, just reserved my site.  

Ben's Pics from Jericho

We are headed out for an overnight backpacking trip tomorrow and Ben wanted me to recharge his camera battery beforehand, so I swiped (with permission) some of the pics on it to share.  I love the perspective, it's obvious he's got his own eye.

These are from the Walls of Jericho trip 2-3 weeks ago.