Monday, August 17, 2009


together, apart?

The plans for our October trip are coming together, I have the 1st-25th arranged for, reserved and so on. I just need to get the 26-30th reserved, but that will have to wait for another day and another paycheck! Maybe 2 more...

My camper is at Mr. Holmes' where he is awaiting the arrival of new tires to put on it tomorrow or the next day. I opted to buy the more expensive ones, figuring the $30 now would add another level of security later on. The $$ kind do not explode and then peel apart. I can appreciate that now...

My brother has been almost freakishly complaint and welcoming about hosting us at his house for several days during the trip. Especially since he used to threaten to kill me for just looking in the door of his room. I guess he's 40 now, not 14, so I should try to act less shocked and amazed. But still, that wary side of me he groomed so well is squinting with suspicion at every e-mail he sends my way. Last count, he had secured storage for Poppy, bought a membership at a local park so we could use his guest discount while there and offered to take time off work to show us around.

Plus he seems excited, using exclaimation points and the words 'going to be fun' in every posting. I just need to check and make sure there are no major astrological events that week, the primal part of my brain is saying he is luring me down there to sacrifice me to the gods of 'I was the baby before YOU came along'. Though...maybe not. He was always Mother's favorite. But I was Daddy's favorite, so it all worked out. I have to say, to my advantage as well. Daddy is patience and good personified, a girl could do worse.

Matt is coming home with mask sets for Ben and Chan today, that's another thing off my list. One way or another, the trip is falling into place!