Thursday, April 8, 2010


Between hikes over the weekend and walking during this week, I have walked over 10 miles in the last 7 days, most of that uphill.  

I have not been eating well, not regularly or good-for-me.  Not that I am snarfing  junk, just not really paying attention to meal times or snack consumption.  This next week, my only goal is to walk at least every other day and to eat by 9 a.m. each morning and not eat after 7:30 each night.  And to not eat anything I don't actually like.  As insane as it is, I did that 3 times this past week, I guess out of habit?  One was a moon pie, I HATE those things. Bleh.

I have also started doing crunches again, thank goodness for muscle memory, when I started back in January, I wanted to throw up after 5-6, by the end of February, I could do 15-20 at a time 2-3 times a day.  Then I got a stomach bug and nothing says sadist like crunching with cramps.

Then, I just stopped doing them.  8 weeks of daily effort wiped out in a single week of inactivity!  They did not do anything for my weight levels, but I did feel stronger in my core and I need that back to hike up hills without flagging.  Amazing how those muscles all work together.  I can still do 10 without losing form, I will start there.  : )