Monday, May 10, 2010

Rainy Days and Mondays

Today is the day that Chandler and I are the same height.  Soon, she will loom over me like Jake does and then Ben will outgrow me as well.  *sigh*

Anyway, here is Goliath, I mean Chandler, making Frank Lloyd Wright's favorite breakfast scone.  She actually showed me the mixture of dry ingredients and told me what they were so I would 'know what's in the little pre-mixed packages I like to make'.  I am just glad she is old enough to get some pioneer skills because I have failed her since she was about 4 and realized I did not actually MAKE anything.

These are a nice, basic mix and then you can dip the cooked muffins into a mixture of melted butter and then roll them in sugar and cinnamon for more flavor.

They were quite good!
The next day, she doubled the batch and I got muffins in bed for Mother's Day!  She put applesauce in the second batch.

We re-purposed a corner of the living room into our nature study area
So far, it's been a huge hit, the kids are spending about as much time collecting bugs and looking them up as they are playing on their DS's?


We went to the JSU frog pond for Mother's Day.  Yes, it was what I wanted to do.  It's ME.
We stopped at Gadsden at the playground and spun on this thing.
I am surprised it's still in operation, it's totally dangerous!  We loved it, we spun and screamed for half an hour, then wobbled back to the van.

Here I am doing a self-portrait at the frog pond!

On the way back through Gadsden, we stopped at took a picture of the bridge because when I lived in Gadsden, I loved going to the river walk, but I did not own a camera.
They added fountains since that time, so I took a picture of them, too.

They go off right at 9, so if you are taking pictures and your battery dies and you stop to change it at 8:59, you won't get a chance to take another picture.