Sunday, April 3, 2011


I love my van.  Despite her erratic check engine light because of that one hose, she's been nothing but a good-performing vehicle that has always gotten us there and back again.  And sometimes hauled things for me.

Today, we were going to run some errands and go to the local walking trail and get gas for our mower and so on.  On my way out, I stopped at Judy's next door to see if she needed mower gas, too.  Matt was going to mow Tuesday over there while she is not feeling well.  Already I am 2 points to the good for karma.  I am helping a neighbor and helping my husband.  She's has enough gas, so I head out.  BAM.

I backed into the pole for the security light.  Not one of 5 things or 10 things to avoid, not a rock that was 4 feet high and impossible to see out the rear-view, but a 25 foot tall pole that has been there, in the same place, for the past 15 years and then some.  I have seen it almost every single day of my life here.  The kids and I have gone down to watch bats swoop around it on summer nights more than a few times. 

I smashed out the tail light cover, banged up the bumper and dented the side panel on the van.  I picked up all the shards and taped them back together and taped them on the van, I have to get Chan and Jake to the ortho in the morning.  2 missed appointments would be $90.  They don't screw around with last-minute cancellations and they blocked a whole hour for Chan because she's getting her braces put on tomorrow.  (Jake told her they use a hot glue gun)

I THINK I can just replace the cover, but the housing is kind of bent up, so I am not really sure.  I sent out e-mails to several junkyards that have Kias hoping I can score one that way.  They run just under $70 new, so it's not the end of the world, just sucky as all get out because I really love my van and now she has been banged up on both sides.  That WAS my pretty side.