Oh, it's raining on my camper and the window has a leak,
The place I parked my van has become a creek.
Dinner was boiled hot dogs, too wet to make a fire
Hiking to the bathrooms, in the mud we mire.
Oh, camping in the rain
It can be a pain
The sun breaking through the clouds
Is so rare, why it draws crowds
Despite the rain, we have been having a ball, we have seen some amazing new places and strengthened friendships, long talks and lots of laughing and food, having 21 people on a camping trip has been a blast.
Tomorrow we lose 2 of the dads as they head back to work on Monday, but Gina and Cody have decided to stay on with us, so we will only be down to 19, though I have to say we will miss the guys!
We arrived yesterday (Friday) early and got set up next to Gina and Bobby and headed out to Bald River Falls, the Donelly Cabin and Whigg Meadows. We had a big taco salad last night with everyone and this morning we got up and had breakfast at Tellico Grains and came back to the camp and the kids swam and went down the waterslide until the rain rolled in. We waited it out in our camper-a couple small leaks but it was like a fire hose was turned on us!
We had lunch in the camper, cheese, herb flatbread, pepperoni and hummus with lemonade. mmm
The skies cleared and we hit the road with Gina and Bobby and we had Emily with us, the rest of the group had gone to see the falls and such they missed by arriving so late the day before!
Our small group made our way up up up up up to the lookout tower just outside Coker Creek. What a view!!
We got back to camp, made hot dogs and ate, the rest of the group showed up and they ate and joined us for a campfire and marshmallows (it POURED again while we made dinner and ate) and we saw a rainbow!
The moms all combined efforts, detergent and quarters and everyone got their laundry all done and dry for the next leg of the trip. The kids went swimming or wading 5 different times-new clothes and towels for each jaunt. I had 2 washers of clothes and we just got here yesterday! But the kids are having a blast and so am I, a little towel rationing and all will be fine. It's just so wet, anything left out to hang gets soaked through.
I hate the other dads are going to have to leave us in the morning, I feel lucky Matt can stay all week, even if the time off is coming out of the paycheck. Stinking forced vacation, blah. Still, if he has to take the time off, better to spend it here.