We have an active vocabulary of our own made-up words. I found myself thinking about this around 3 this morning after 90 minutes of tossing and turning failed to lull me back to sleep. I used to pitch a fit about 'wasting' time from my life watching a movie that turned out to be crappy. Now, I realize I will get that time back-somewhere between midnight and 5 a.m. on any given night, I am wide awake and doing nothing more than thinking, so I don't mind so much, wasting waking hours.
Here are some of our more frequently used words:
Feat-mostly facon, which is fake meat, and most often fake bacon. In our case, facon is not tofu bacon, but turkey bacon. I don't like pork. But I love me some facon.
Foap-foaming soap
Fugar-artificial sweetener or fake sugar.
Facation-forced vacation, or time off work with no pay. Heavy emphasis on the first half of the word. FAKE-ation.
Lunc-this is what was left on a sign we once saw after the 'h' fell off advertising 'lunch'. Then it said "Lunc served here" and so we told Jake we were having lunc for lunch, which at the time totally freaked him out and now is just the general menu suggested when no one else has a real plan.
Bob's House of Barnacles-where we plan to eat every time we go out for food, but can never find and so we have to resort to somewhere else.
Last night, we came up with a new one. Dessappetizer. When you are at a buffet and get dessert twice, the first is a dessappetizer.