Sunday, January 31, 2010

Happy Weekend

In celebration of surviving another cold snap, Matt and I headed out to hike a bit today.  We went geocaching, but that did not really work out.  We could not find the first one and my ass literally started to freeze right off, first it was numb, then it started itching along the backs of my legs-which Matt assured me were all the parasites thinking I was dead and they were escaping, which gave me the creeping willies because-EW.  I don't eat pork because I am convinced the worms will burrow into your leg and butt muscles and that episode of House just confirmed it.  But, I LOVE bacon and will occasionally eat non-turkey if I am sure it is cooked perfectly.  I am pretty sure the itching was from my muscles going 'HUH?' and NOT pork worms making good their escape.  Pretty sure.

The point was, my rear-end, then the left side of my face then my hands all went numb, so I bailed on further exposure once we were in the van again.  Weenie!

So Matt bought me a grilled cheese and some fried pickles and we drove around to look at old houses, which I will post another time.

Ice in the treetops

Frost heave along the trail.


Icicles, underneath

Giant Shadow Esther!

On the way home, just before sunset, we stopped at a small cemetery in Crawford Bottoms.
I hope to go back, it had some interesting stones!

It was a great day.  I can hardly wait for warmer weather!