Well, no major progress to report on the weight loss. But-no gain, so I will take that!
My appetite is back, sort of. After I eat anything 'solid' my stomach still hurts, but not like it was. I have been slurping Smoothies and fruit and yogurt for the most part. I had a burger and fries yesterday and I was sorry all night. But, I am hungry which is good.
Now, for exercise. Let's see, yesterday we took several short strolls in the warm sun. Saturday, we hiked a few miles in Huntsville. I played the Wii a few times-which sadly counts as exercise in my world. LOL That's been it! Between heavy rain, snow and not feeling so great, I have not been out and about much or doing much bouncing around indoors, either.
Next week, we will be camping 4 days, I have no doubt I will gain it ALL back and next Thursday, my post will read 'twenty-five'. Cathy is a great cook and I am a great eater, it's dangerous to be stuck in a camper with her. Eep!
But, I am looking forward to the trip anyway. We need to stretch our legs and my eyes are in need of new views.