Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hike 13/52 RM Trail

Karen wanted to know if she could get up and hike two days in a row, so we did another bigger mile walk today, hitting the Richard Martin Trail, north end.

The kids joined us, as did Gina and Phoenix!  It was another gorgeous day.

After the hike, Karen had errands, Gina and I wet to Sugar Creek for a short while.  

Back home, Matt and Chan ran the trail, I walked it and detoured over to the 'problem area' which is where an adjoining landowner was tossing the dead chickens from his poultry houses.  After being confronted with the trespass-not to mention the total illegality of dumping dead livestock ANYWHERE, never mind over the neighbor's fence, as promised, he cleaned up the rotting animals, but the evidence was still aplenty.  I feel like I will have to monitor that from now on.  What an asshole!  Who does that to another person?  An asshole.

It was SO windy and cold at the north end where we stopped to eat that the kids got under the table.

Ten A C.  Well, Ten A Okay
They tried

Rough Earth Snake
Karen saw this snake and jumped 3 feet in the air.  It's smaller than a pencil.

At the end!
I felt great after this walk, not sore or stiff or anything other than my feet were starting to feel the rocks.  After a break at the park, I was ready to go some more!

At home:

There are about 100 square feet of the woods COVERED in chicken feathers.

Back over at the campsite, the new leaves are sparkling in the setting sun, so nice!

My goal about 2 weeks ago was to lose 25 pounds.  I am down 7 of that.  It won't all go that fast, that's mostly from chilling on the snacking. Still, I'll take a drop of any amount.  It's all good for the brain. I only weigh once a week and that helps, too.