Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Juices Flowing...

Creative, that is. 

I have walked 5 miles in the past 2 days, yesterday I listened to some of my playaway book, it's Firefly Cloak and I love the lady reading it, she's real Southern sounding-exactly the right twang.  

Today, Ben walked with me, rolling his counter wheel the whole time.  3 laps really is a mile!  We did 4 laps-nearly 7,000 feet-and then I mowed the whole front yard from the east fence to the old driveway and back to the back fence.  Tomorrow, I will see about knocking out the parking area and the hill, the backyard and under the trees.  Then there's Judy's yard that has not been mowed in 3 weeks.  With no rain, the grass is not high, just weeds here and there shooting up, looks like both yards have cowlicks.  Her gardenias and magnolia tree are in bloom, we walk up there just to smell the air.

This morning-here is the creative juices part-I hauled out photo albums from when the kids were little and we looked at them for a couple of hours.  I took notes on all the places we went and the kids recounted what they remembered the most about different things we did.  I have been wanting to write a children's book about homeschooled kids, unschooled really, because there are fewer than 40 books out there and they are mostly 'Billy at the kitchen table' or 'Sarah goes to the zoo' type stories that could be from summer vacation or homework time-nothing that really hits home for me anyway.  

I thought I could start off writing something for my kids about their memories and how they learned from things we did and go from there into something with more story to it.  I already know what I will call them in the stories and Matt and I will be Mom and Dad.  Or, Dad and Mom as it were.  And we will have a dog named Rosie Jo.  I think that's about the best dog name ever (this week).  LOL

Our vacation plans for next month have stalled out.  Matt is looking at taking a week before Thanksgiving week, giving us 2 weeks together.  That opens up a good many possibilities for travel...of course we all immediately suggested Disney. It's hard to give up on something we all know we will really love.  But I am digging in my heels to go somewhere new.  We'll see how it all works out.  To get another week, we will have to go unpaid for at least 3 days, plus there's the budget to consider...it would be nice to have lots of money!  i guess I will just have to be content with being good-looking instead of rich.  ha!