The news around here is: It's HOT. With the heat index at 105 more than once in the past week, we tried to stay cool.
Early in the week, we headed out to Sugar Creek, then spent the next day at home, cracking open geodes early in the day and watching the Alien vs. Predator movies that afternoon.
Early in the week, we headed out to Sugar Creek, then spent the next day at home, cracking open geodes early in the day and watching the Alien vs. Predator movies that afternoon.
Ben looks really bundled up for summer weather, but he had run a fever the night before and was having a hard time getting his body temp regulated. Still not sure what brought that on.
On the way back from picking up yet more drinks from the grocery store, I pulled off to take pics of this shed all covered in trumpet flower vines.
We picked up Chan and some groceries Thursday night and spent Friday hiding from the heat again, I went out one day and pulled weeds and another and checked on the animals, making sure everyone had fresh water in clean containers. I wore my swim suit both times and I have a tan line, just from that little exposure. Today, we checked the animal water before 9! I bought extra ice trays so we can give them ice cubes all day. The dogs love those things and the pigs will nibble at them. I put fans out on the porch, but the dogs and cats run off when I turn them on. I left them on all day Wednesday to see if they might come around, but every time I looked out, they were steering clear, so I brought the fans back inside.
We rented some more dvds to watch last night, the new A-Team movie, which I would not have gotten at all, except I really like Liam Neeson and he was so good as Hannibal! I watched that show with Daddy growing up, his favorite was Murdock. We also snagged The Mechanic, which might as well be called Jason Statham Volume 12, as all of his movies have very little plot variation and he seems to play the same guy no matter what the character's name happens to be. *sigh* At least it was not as bad as Crank, hokey.
This morning, I made a fan tent instead of changing the sheets as I had planned. It was an instant hit, and everyone has been in and out of it since, Zeph likes hanging out in the little gap at the far side because the breeze is concentrated there.
Our electric bill came in, it was under $130! I know that's with the power being off 5 days, so it should have been about $25 more, averaged out. Still, that's under my budget. It's too soon to know what THIS month's bill will be like with the AC being on 90% of the time, but I am hopeful!
Also, we held a family meeting yesterday about vacation plans. We decided not to go all the way to DC or to my brother's house-14 hours one way for either trip. It's still up in the air as far as final destinations, but the kids did throw in some ideas this time, which was nice. in the past, I have had to come up with all the options and then present them for EVERY trip we have gone on. That gets tedious. I am working on the budget...