Monday, January 21, 2013

Go Us!

Today we finally managed to go meet up with the local homeschool teen group and go bowling! 

I did horribly.  I got one strike and 2 spares and about 12 gutter balls.  I think those are the correct terms.
Ben was slightly worse, Chan too.  Jake had a score over 70.  I refuse to say if that's better or worse.  hahaha
The kids had a good time, Chan was even chatting by the end.  I already RSVP'd for the next time, I need to lift some weights, even the 8 pounder was wrenching my elbow by the end.  I know better than to assume I could improve my form, I'm just amazed I did not go sailing down the lane with the ball.  Yet another game I really, really suck at.  hahahaha