Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Today we loaded up and headed out to meet up with the teen group to have lunch and learned to make sushi! It was pretty cool, I have only had it once and never made it, I realize I am WAY behind the times, but I like to know what's in my food when I am not sure what the food is...if that makes sense.

The kids used avocado, tuna, salmon, crab, peppers, apples, pears, cream cheese, olives, carrots, spinach, cucumber, hummus...I don't know what all in there!  It was fun to make all together and then while they sat in the fridge getting chilled and blended, everyone was able to hang out and chat.  The kids ended up playing outside most of the afternoon, taking advantage of the weather.

It was gone in a FLASH.  Look at Nia peeking inside, she was SO good.  No tinkles at all while we visited, she went outside every time like a pro.  I hope that is a new trend!