Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Term

In an effort to...make an effort, we have come up with our new plan for this half of the year.  We started off in the summer doing SO well with math and history and working on the GED test prep and it sort of fell apart when the weather got nice around mid-October and never quite fell back together again as smoothly as before.

Here is our new plan.
Personal chores
A Khan or similar video before or during lunch
Weather below 55 or wet: 30 minutes of vigorous indoor activity
Weather above 55: 30 minutes of vigorous outdoor activity

M-Health and Hygiene (which has nothing at all to do with science)
F-GED test prep (where we work on the test, specifically the way questions are worded)


One day each week:
Home Ec
Pen pal writing or personal journaling

Each Friday a 1-page hand-written report is due about anything of their choice, just as long as the handwriting and spelling improve.

The last Monday of each month, their nature notebooks will be turned in and checked over for certain entries which are: plants, animals, weather notes.

We are also trying out bedtimes again.  This is mainly for Ben, who gets the short end of the stick coming and going-he needs the most sleep, yet he gets kept up to all hours by Jake and then he is naturally the earliest to rise, meaning some days I get grump boy who is prone to yell or cry or both along with the Hormone Twins who can yell or cry or be sullen or become very needy and clingy and/or swat at each other.  I am hoping some solid required sleep will help all of us deal with Adolescence.  Ack.