Just got the call from the state line, they will be here in an hour.
So what did I do with my free day without any responsibilities?
6:30-7:30 I read
7:30-10 I napped
10, I discovered this had been left in the driveway:
So what did I do with my free day without any responsibilities?
6:30-7:30 I read
7:30-10 I napped
10, I discovered this had been left in the driveway:
From 10 on, I tried not to name him or play with him too much and not fall for him.
I am just SO pissed that he was dumped on us and in effect has ruined my day with guilt and stress just waiting for the next barrage of howls and whines and scratching from the porch. UGH! I can't even go get a drink from the kitchen or he will hear me and start crying and digging at the door. I am SO glad we had not already put in the new door, I would have tossed that dog in the well and shut the lid. Okay, no I wouldn't, but I would have REALLY thought about. At least the kick plate is taking the bulk of his enthusiasm. I tried to tell him I am not really all that nice, he should not want to be under my feet. But, as I said, he seems to be deaf.
In other news, I did all the laundry, fed the critters and finished a book-Vacations from Hell, watched the movie Songcatcher, which was really good. I had a long bath and shaved my legs and did a conditioner thing on my hair and braided it and sat outside a while for it to dry, but I just ended up giving myself sun-blindness when I came back inside and had to use a flashlight to find my book. It is SO dark in the living room those 2 measly lights are about as useful as trying to fart to fill up a hot air balloon. I saw some security lights the other night and thought THAT is what we need in there. LOL Big spotlights!
I am going to get everyone to go take pictures with me tomorrow so we can be out all day. Maybe with no one home, Stray Dog will chill...maybe even wander off to find a new house to haunt. I need a photo day anyway. I hope for his sake, he's not a night-time crier...