Instead of detailing up my woes, which are simple-house, car, teeth-I will just announce that the trip is postponed and I am quite bummed. But, that is how it is, so, there's no need to dwell on it. We can go in the fall and we will be in better financial shape because by then, we will have a couple things paid off. That will free up some more money for the trip! Plus, Chan will probably be out of her braces, so being gone a month won't interfere with her adjustments.
The weather for the past 2 days has been so nice, I have felt that stirring of blood that only the combo of bright, warm sunbeams and a light, warm breeze can create. I don't care how much I run and sweat, nothing makes my heart leap and thud like the start of Spring.
Still, I watch things like this:
And I wonder how people function in that kind of cold. I harbor a deep suspicion for anyone who chooses to live anywhere that snow is on the ground for more than one week out of any given 365 day span. What happened here last year was Unnatural and Freakish and likely some Republican plot to prove Global Warming is a myth by having it snow in places where it's unwelcome.
I am so glad this winter has been mild, that Arctic Air can stay up there in North Canada for all I care!
Disappointments are to the soul what a thunderstorm is to the air.
~Friedrich Schiller