Tuesday, January 17, 2012


The front door opened and did that 'squeak-slam' of a serial killer entering the house around 3:30 this morning and I have been wide awake since.  I do this thing upon entering a dark room where I stick only my arm in and flick on the light.  I don't like dark rooms, I can't run to the bathroom in the dark-the little man in the shower might get me-don't get me started on the hand under the bed just waiting for something to dangle.  So, imagine the thrill of my stomach up in my throat as I sprinted the...10 or so feet to the living room light switch to catch the serial killer coming in.  I was armed with my tatty underwear and wild hair, I guess I thought I would scare him off with my blindingly white legs.

It was just the wind...this time.  I bolted the door, which we usually do at night, I guess Zep had to go potty one more time after I went to bed and the random kid who let her back in did not secure the lock.  Darn kids, I am already 1/4 gray, I hardly need more mental stress.

Jake had practice last night, so Matt and I headed to get groceries and grabbed some Mexican food.  I got beans with a side of beans topped with guacamole and a little bitty cheese enchilada-it was smaller than a deck of cards.  I really need to learn what is best to eat when we are out and about.  I know fries are a non-food, burger buns are too much bleached flour.  Fried stuff is no good...so, what does that leave, here in the South-sans going to a larger city?  There's only so many Fresco bean burritos I can eat from Taco Bell.  We have split a bag of carrot sticks and a protein plus drink from the grocery store more than once.

At practice, he worked with the choreographer.  In lieu of giving the kids all lines, she's worked up some kind of song and dance for nearly every scene.  Jake's is a square dance and as of last night, he gets to call some of the dance.  He headed off to his room as soon as we got in with his new lines and the cd with Flop Eared Mule so he could practice.  He is thrilled about dancing, but a little concerned he might knock heads with Auntie Em.  The very thought makes me giggle-prone.

Matt's already left for work, it's crazy how early he has to get up and get going.  I had breakfast with him, oatmeal with flax seed and fresh blueberries and a cup of almond milk.  I am trying to get whole grains and a serving of fruits and/or veggies with all 3 meals.  Then have fruit and a protein bar for one snack and something with fat, like avocado, cottage cheese, yogurt or spinach and artichoke dip with carrot sticks or zucchini, for another snack.

While we were in the kitchen, there was a thumping and all kinds of noise coming from the ceiling.  I was sure it was a possum.  Then we heard Kat yowling and thought she'd gotten stuck in the attic-which has happened several times when she goes nosing around up there while we are putting seasonal things away.  Then we saw her face peep around the side of the window!  That thing is 10 feet off the ground!  She'd climbed the ladder I left out there after I caulked the new trim last week and all the thudding was it rocking into the house and hitting the roofline while she dangled via one paw and stretched her fool self to the window. 

Speaking of possums, we have words for everything, a family vocabulary that covers an entire notebook of things only we call certain items.  Sort of like fo' shizzle, but not.  Our latest is road kill.  So, a road-kill possum is called a squassum.  There are squats and squogs and squnks-but mostly squassums.  Chan wants to know what a road-kill squid would be called.  Matt said if we hit a squid with the car, we had way more worries than what to call it!

We sponge-rolled Chan's hair Sunday and yesterday, took it down.  It was lovely and curled for a few hours, we still need some practice, though.  Some of the back never took.  I don't know what to think about her having a sudden interest in having curly hair.  My little recluse even mentioned it was too bad she had no where to go, hinting heavily that the general public would be enraged to know they'd missed glimpsing her head.  Just as long as she does not start packing a curling iron in the camping gear.  I can't believe she's nearly 14.