Sunday, March 18, 2012

Saturday Night Live

Last night, Matt and I went out with the Kiva footprint (think 'tent floor only') and laid out the papasan cushions and piled up with sleeping bags and pillows to watch the stars.  Ben came out a few minutes later with his bag and Chan was right behind him.  The four of us (Jake skipped) laid out there until the sun was starting to rise and chatted, looked at the sky, talked about the Universe, listened to the night sounds and dozed off and on through the night. 

Our various animals arranged themselves around our sleeping spot, Jessie quick to get up and check on us if we moved around.  Chandler and Ben were in the middle, Chan's legs over mine, her little rump snuggled into my stomach.  Ben and Matt were head-to-head talking about planets and stars and all sorts of aspects of the sky above, it was wonderful. 

We saw shooting stars, loads of them.  We saw airplanes and satellites, we saw bats and fireflies.  The spring peepers were calling for a short while and then the bullfrogs took over, their twangy calls sounding like huge rubber bands being plucked.  We would get the giggles and they would stop all suddenly.  And then start up again, their mood for love outweighing their need for stealth.  Crickets were calling and at one point, every coyote and hunting dog in a 5 mile radius decided to yip and howl together.  It was eerie and so loud, it was like being inside a car wreck, the shriek of metal going on and on.

It was magical, even the constant flow of traffic on the main road and the never-ending round of 'pass the bark' going on with the 30 or so dogs within the area.  I found myself wanting to tell Matt all about it, and he was there.  I think that was the best part.  I miss him so much, in the things we do day to day, he's at work or at home so he can work.  And he does not complain, he's happy we can go and do, but I want him with us, with me.  When that works out, it's all the better for it.