Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hanging Out

 We had half an hour to fill this afternoon between dental and theatrical obligations in town, so we stopped in at Bridge Street and rode the carousel.  

 Jake and Chan got to ride again free because the first time, their cup barely spun.
They hopped in the other cup and it twirled and whirled.

 On the way back to the van, we took the escalators a couple of times around-to avoid crossing the street, of course.  Safety first!  :)  Then they wanted to try to run back up the down escalators.
Chandler is wearing a dress that she insists is a shirt because it was in the 'shirt' section of her closet.  It zips up the back, making it a fancy shirt. 

We went from there to the cast meeting for props and costumes.  I am in well over my head in that area, I discovered.  But, I have good organizational skills and can oversee some of the detail work, even if I can't contribute otherwise.  Oh, wait!  I did come home with a pig that needed to be washed and sew up. He is clean and hanging to dry now.  And I had ideas for props and work-arounds.  I just can't make stuff.
A month from today, the play will be done.  Which means we are about to enter The Flurry Time.  11 more trips to town and it's over!