Sunday, June 23, 2013

Summer Day Three: Laundry! (and catch-up)

The girls spent last week at day camp, the finale program was Thursday evening.  Chan took drama and production and Brit took Drama and Music, so they were not together for their 'master classes'.

The theme this year was Mardi Gras, they sang songs and did some group dances.  The morning group was 1st through 5th grade and the afternoon group was 6th and up and the finale had them all together.
 The Fine Arts Center leaves a LOT to be desired, such as seating from which you can SEE the stage.
There's Chan in the middle.  She's a police officer.
Brit and Zachary, he is thrilled.  I know he looks like he's eaten shoe polish, but that kid was so excited about camp and he did a great job with his part of the performance, but golly pete, he looks miserable!  hahaha!

A better shot of the view. AWESOME!
(that's sarcasm)

It's over!  That's Chan over on the right in the blue shirt.  She had one of I think 3 'roles' from the older kids group.  Keilee pretended to whistle while some kids pretended to play instruments-so she got to stand on the side stage for that, Chan was a police officer, John was a...pirate fortune teller?  And that's all I can think of.  There may have been one more.

Afterward, we hit Sonic for half off milkshakes after 8 p.m.

Lily, Suzette's niece, was in the show too.  That girl can dance!

We've had a busy and fun stretch lately, I am very glad for good friends and happy memories.  The trend continues next weekend for Matt's birthday and a couple of day trips!  But for the next few days, we will be sticking close to home, getting caught up with chores and taking it easy.