Wednesday, June 16, 2010


We missed the movie with our buddies this morning and that turned out to be a good thing for 2 reasons.  One, I have been trying to hack out a lung for the last 2 hours and my nose has started flowing at the rate of Bear Creek and second, I found a dung beetle while refilling the bird feeders.

I decided to post a few insect shots from yesterday and this morning.  These were all taken with my little Canon SX110.

I popped a wolf spider egg case into a little container a couple months ago and yesterday, it hatched!

That's my pinky!  The little guys are teeny.

Ben and I dropped them onto a leaf yesterday and checked them this morning.
They had made a little tent against the rain and were all crammed into the egg sack again.

These are soda can shaped eggs Ben found a few weeks back
We don't know if the little beetles are from the eggs or eating the eggs.

A recheck today was no more enlightening!

This is cropped from a bigger shot and is not very good, but it's a hummingbird moth on the butterfly bush.  We were so excited to see it, I did not even think to take a picture until just before it flew off.

Japanese beetles are destroying my roses.

Teeny mantis!

Orb weaver just behind the roses

Dung Beetle

This guy is such a rare find, we brought him in to watch a while.
After looking up some information on them, we found out they are attracted to dog poop!  Dung beetles drink liquids from their poop balls.
Relief washed over me from a tension I did not realize I was carrying.  Kuma has been barking at his poop lately and I had been thinking he was going psycho.  hahaha!!  Now I know he's probably seeing the beetles.  I hope.  He's not much for sharing his thoughts.  Dogs without eyebrows are hard to read!

We put some guinea pig poops in the bowl with the beetle along with his original dog poop (don't ask how I know).  So far, he's just hiding.  I want to keep him until Matt gets home in a few more hours, but if he does not start moving around, I will have to let him go.  I fret, even over buggies.