Well, after a LONG time of plugging numbers and trying to behave and watching each meal I ate-yesterday I had a Whopper Jr combo with fries and then took the kids to Dairy Queen to celebrate Chandler's double-tooth loss and I made pizza for dinner-though it was on whole wheat flatbread and I measured out the cheese. Screw it. I was done behaving, at least for one day and I could go back to being careful afterward.
Imagine my total shock when I weighed this morning to find myself DOWN 2 pounds from yesterday morning! I have been tracking everything I eat and do at fitday and I have been staying WELL under my daily calorie expenditure for each day and having no CLUE how, if I was burning 700-1,000 calories MORE than I was eating, why the weight was not coming off.
Apparently, I needed a cheater day-but not off the deep end cheating, I had vanilla in a cup, not a hot fudge-covered brownie earthquake. I had a Whopper Jr no cheese and no mayo and a small fry, not a triple Whopper with cheese King Sized. My pizza was measured out to be under 400 calories. And it was ALL still pretty darn good.
I am still processing and trying to read more about what I should be doing. It's possible my body was in starvation mode and simply not burning what I was taking in-which seems kind of implausible considering I am still hiking and mowing and cleaning the house and running with the dogs in the pasture (not far or long, but you have to start SOMEWHERE). I still had energy. Just no weight loss to speak off. .5 pounds one or twice a week that could just as easily come right back the next morning. I know better than to expect 1-2 pound losses several times a week, but a pound a week that STAYS gone-that's not much to ask for, not with the effort I am putting in on my end. That's still 52 pounds in a year.
Anyway, I am pleased, pleased to be on the losing end of things once again.