Monday, November 28, 2011

Snownado 2011

1-3 inches in the next 36 hours.  I feel oddly compelled to run to the grocery store and get milk, eggs and bread.  Why is that?  Some sort of group herding instinct gone awry.  ""  I never have good compulsions, like chopping firewood or knitting warm things.  I don't even LIKE eggs.

Today, other than the weather, the news is all about the damn road crew, back at work making our driveway wide enough to dock a cruise ship.

Tomorrow we are having lunch out and running errands-if the snow does not shut down the upper half of the state.  Chan is heading off for the rest of the week, Ben's birthday is Thursday and Alex is coming to stay a couple of days.  Skate Day is Friday and the week is over.  Bam.  And it will be December and the year will nearly be done. 

I hope next year I will finally get the date right.  I wrote a check last week to rent a dvd and put 2008 as the year.  OMG, that's just not even normal.  2012 is good, though.  It's NEARLY a Rush album (2112, which sadly, I will have to miss getting to write on my checks on account of I will be dead by then) and it's even and it's alliterative.  Twwwwenty Twwwweleve.  I am feeling okay about my chances on no longer thinking it's 3 years ago.

I am going to haul out my list of things I wanted to get done this year and see how many I will have to move to next year.  I forsee the bathroom trim not being done in another month, though we DID trim 2 walls!  That's waaaaay more than last year.  If we do 2 walls next year, it will be done!  Amazing! 

Oh, I have one more thing of note.  Ladybugs!  The new window seals and trim and such kept the bulk of them at bay, so it's just that much more surprising when one flies directly into my face.  How does a whole entire subset of beetles manage to survive when they seemingly are attracted to bowls and pots with liquid in them, faces and hair and light bulbs?  I don't see how any of those items help with the continuation of the species.   But then again, I don't even know what year it is and still insist I can do a better job with my kids than the schools.  So, maybe they know something I don't.