Saturday, August 28, 2010

Low down stanky

As Matt and I both hit lower numbers on the scale, an unusual thing is happening.  We STINK when we sweat!  Not that BO smell of sweaty people, but that stale sweat of people who have been sick.  I think of it as 'fever' smell.  

Matt came up with a theory that our bodies are burning off not just fat that has been there for multiple years, but also the toxins and crap stored in that fat.  Also, the more I lose, the more I sweat, it's freaky.  I know it's been hot out, but I am sweaty just in the house doing light cleaning.  I have not felt 'too warm' since I was a kid, I am always cold.  Was always cold.  I wonder if this phenomenon is a metabolism finally kicking in?  I have been taking B Complex for about a month for general energy, but read a few days back that it helps metabolism, too.  If it means not freezing when it's under 80 degrees, I'll take it! 

In other news, I read an article last week in Prevention magazine about the kettlebell.  Matt bought a 10-pounder yesterday (they are $19 at Wal-Mart, $12 for the 5 pound) and we did the workout on the free dvd last night and again today.  Wow.  I woke up feeling sore all through my thighs and back and shoulders.  We did different workouts today to keep from stressing any joints.

I am amazed.  I read about how it was this awesome workout and fast results and 20 minutes a day and so on.  I doubted it was true, but thought anything was better than sitting on my butt all day avoiding the soul-sucking heat outside this time of year.  It really does work fast!  I can't think of anything else I have done for 20 minutes that A) I could maintain for the full time or B) that I could 'feel' the results of so quickly.  Yeah, jumping rope or chopping wood-but I can't do that for 20 straight minutes.  This was easy and I still felt the burn of doing the work and the aftermath of feeling that rush of calm and the soreness of a good workout.  Nice, I am liking the whole 20 minutes and then results thing.