Wednesday, August 18, 2010


OMG, what a crap ass day.

First, I TOTALLY screwed up my website.  I can't fix it yet as I don't know what I did wrong and I am tired of reading the same thing over and over and getting the same results-nothing.

Then, I went out to play with my camera-the big one-which kept freezing once it was focused.  Between that and Kuma trying to climb the butterfly bush and Wonder leaping onto my neck.head if I bent over even 88 degrees to angle a shot, I got TWO pictures.  And something is seriously wrong with the Rebel. 

Matt came home with super glue for my glasses arm.  I opened the tube, which poured out ALL over my glasses, my legs, my fingers and I was stuck (literally) trying like mad to get the arm glued to the hinge.  I managed to glue the hinge open, but the arm is currently (5:51 pm) on there.

After a long soak in the tub where I used a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser on my bare skin to get my legs unstuck, I went looking for a pair of scissors to snip off the dangly embroidery floss that has been serving as the missing arm to my glasses.  I had it tied to the hinge and pulled it back into my pony tail to hold them on my head.  Sad, but effective.  
No scissors that I found had a point that would get under the knots, so I decided to burn it off with a match.

Super glue is flammable.  With my glasses now on fire, I manage to blow it out without getting my still-glue-coated fingers in on the mix-a miracle.  I slapped them back on my head to look for a towel to wipe them off before I realized they were now covered in hot melty glue.  And on my face.

I went to the website, at least THIS did not happen:
The adhesive will attach itself to the eye protein and will disassociate from it over time, usually within several hours. Periods of weeping and double vision may be experienced until clearance is achieved. Use of a warmed 3% sodium bicarbonate solution to wash eyes repeatedly may assist in aiding more rapid removal of the adhesive.