Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Caney Falls

It's been a couple years since we went to Caney Falls, so yesterday I decided what this week needed was a long drive!  We met Heather, Cathy and Gina at Wren and hit the trail.  I brought all 3 dogs because the meter reader is canine challenged and the big dogs give her hell. 

Everything went well, we got to the falls and hung out, had snacks and took pictures.  A local dog followed us to the falls and for reasons unknown to me, decided to eat Zephyr for a snack.  Jake moved faster than I did and nailed it with a stick, but Zep was bitten in 3 spots, all fairly shallow.  Thank goodness for her harness!  It was in the way of her vital organs.  She can walk and seems physically okay despite the bites, but her spirit is damaged.  I could kill that dog a hundred ways right now, the owners, too.  : (  And Kuma a little since he watched with clinical detachment from 3 feet away while it happened.  I cleaned her up when we got home and put stuff on them, she bit me (soft bite, like she was saying 'owie, stop!') and ran away to her kennel and has not moved in the past hour.  
: (

After the attack, we babied her a while, then opted to walk downstream a ways to see if we could reach the lower falls.  We turned back after nearly an hour, once the creek crossings were more than we wanted to deal with.  Back at the falls, Heather and Griffin were keeping an eye on our stuff and Gina and Cody had headed back to the cars.  We hiked out and had lunch at the parking area.  We decided to check out the campground at Brushy Lake, then I headed toward home and no one followed me out.  So, we waited a few minutes and opted to keep going, the big dogs were sacked out and Zep's bite on her back was bleeding again and I just wanted to get her home. 

It was a really good day for hiking, I am really glad we got to go further downstream than we have before.  I'm ready to do some more difficult hikes, that was a good taste of what this summer could be like.