Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spring is on the way!

 After the first day of work, the fence line is in place as far as holes go, but not secured yet.

 Today we went to the dentist, because we are a family of people who love to have their teeth looked at as much as humanly possible.  Found out that Ben will need braces, but we have more than a single week to gather the money.  A whole 6 months-maybe even a year!  So just about the time Chan's are nearly paid off, he will get his put on.  This is all very much like when they were little and overlapped diaper wearing.  Jake was out of his 6 months after Chan was born and she still in them a year after Ben was born.  I bet diapers cost us $3500 each kid, too. 

After that, we went to Green Mountain and walked around the lake with Heather and Karen.