Saturday, March 12, 2011

I am so awesome, part 2.

So the fence is finished, the camper is ready to camp in and the yard is looking SO good.  I told Suzette Friday that we have been here for 7 years, we are common law married to this house, it's time to act like we live here and aren't just staying a few weeks.  Plus, it needs some repairs and such, it will be easier to part with the money for a house that's not ours and may never be, if we do a few things to make it feel more like our own space.

Next up in the cosmetics department are the boards that go around the house under the roofline.  They have been housing carpenter bees for generations of said bees and are rotting right off the side of the house in some places.  Or at least they are looking grim and as if they want to rot off.

Inside the house, it's a toss-up between a new couch and new kitchen floor covering.  I truly, truly hate the paneling in our bedroom, it's from the 70's, it's nearly 40 years old.  It's warped in a few places from some water damage before we ever moved's starting to pull up at the edges here and there and it's dark.  I would love to just have white walls.  Take out that wall heater, maybe do a few built-in bookshelves around the chimney housing, replace that one window on the west wall with a bigger window and a big window seat to watch the sunsets...anyway, that's just dreaming, I have been told the paneling is off limits.  *sigh*  I have tried to hide as much as I can with pictures.  LOL

Inside repairs, first on the list is the dishwasher, get that puppy running again. 

And, of course, insulation.  We can get the blower free with 20 packs of insulation, so we are going that route several times over the summer and into the fall.  That way, it's just $200 a pop, the calculator says we need 100 bags.  I hope we can get by with less than that, but I don't want any more $400 electric bills, so I guess we'll just see as we go with that one.

The house needs to be painted on the outside, we are just going to match the current color instead of changing anything for now, I like the faded blue color just fine.  Then the new roof.  That won't happen until the fall/early winter when it cools off some.  I want a silver roof, like an old tin roof.  I think that will look the best, since the house is an old farmhouse.  With bright white trim (new boards!) and a red front door and the fresh blue on the house.  It will look great!  Get some red geraniums in some big blue pottery pots and hanging baskets all along the front of the porch filled with red and white petunias.  *pretty*  : )

So all of my travel plans for this year revolve around Lowe's and Home Depot.  With gas going up and up, there's not really any point in going on a road trip anywhere, and if I am stuck, I might as well be somewhere I love being!

I am so pleased with everything we have gotten done, and we have barely spent any money.  The fence was under $70 to finish and everything else has been working with what we already have.  Well, and the camper repair.  But that was less than I thought it would be, the stuff to fix it was around $50, even adding in the wood.  Wood is cheap, I feel like building a fort...