Tuesday, November 9, 2010

home again with squeaking monkey

UGH, I did not have a pleasant time of it today.  I missed my antibiotics by 2 hours and am convinced I screwed up the whole healing process. 

While out with Jake, we stopped at the toy store, where we fought a while about ancient weaponry.  Then the ortho-only $800 to go! (it was $5k in February, so that's actually good news).  Then the library, where we fought a while about dragons.  I scored SO many books, I picked up a bunch about little dogs, how to train them, where to put the batteries, special considerations and so on.  She's so much smaller than Jess and Kuma, it's like having a really excited cat, I just love Zeph, I swear I never thought I would be a small dog person, maybe I am just a Zephyr person.

As I am sure I have blogged about before, she LOVES pink monkey.  Sleeps with it, takes it in the car, wants it with her on the couch.  Today I bought a small squeaky monkey and gave it to her.  She was SO excited, she had to take it out to show Jess and Kuma who view her as some kind of...really excited cat and try to act like she is not really there while she tries to lick their faces and climb on them and get them to play with her.  They ignore her as much as possible while trying to avoid that which is being ignored. They come off like British people who smell a poot.  They can't acknowledge what it is, that would be rude.  But the smell is there, yet it must be borne, so...stiff upper lip, no eye contact, try to think about something else, wot wot?