Saturday, November 27, 2010

Nano Dunno!

I had a writing jag today, 4k words!  I hit the 50k mark and validated my word count and now I am 'done'! 

I still really like my story, I will keep working on it, I am not even halfway through the story arc, Henry is on his way to the largest settlement in their world, at the junction of two rivers.  There are still so many little plot holes and places that need to be filled in, questions I had to research to find answers for so I just highlighted them in yellow and went on.

There were a couple of places that I was stuck and could not move the story ahead-I knew where I wanted to be next, but could not get my characters moving that way because I got mired in the detail.  I told Matt it was like that song about a feather on a bird in an egg in a nest on a twig on a branch on a tree in a hole in the ground.  And the green grass grew all around all around and the green grass grew all around.  Instead of just saying there was a feather.   So I highlighted those in blue and just jotted down a few lines that had them awake the next morning and on the way again, no long paragraphs of details about the way to soak rice before cooking over an open fire. 

I am quite pleased to be finished, I hope the kids are able to wrap up their stories quickly as well.

Tomorrow, I am going with Daddy to find and photograph various graves of various relations.  I found out Thursday that he has already bought a site in the cemetery we are going to first and already has a marker erected.  With his name and birth date already on there.  I hope I don't come unglued when I see it, I thought I would have years and years before I went to his graveside.  At least I will have him with me this first time.