Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Summer, Day Thirteen: Nothing

It's the start of a long stretch of rain in the forecast.  I got the van in and they got the new condenser on today, Suzette gave me a ride back home so I did not have to sit there.  Turned out to be a good thing because it took 5 hours.  Matt ran me down to pick it up when he got in this evening.  I had left her a blank check and she in turn left me just about enough to cover groceries.

He has the next 4 days off and we have nothing planned, no swims or hikes or anything.  There's supposed to be a birthday party with friends over the weekend, but I think the weather will cancel that plan. 

I am slowly recovering from my stomach woes, the total lack of energy and general disinterest in DOING anything and my overwhelming nothingness of immediate plans has me mentally floundering and physically tired.  Today Ben said he felt like he weighed twice the normal amount.  I know what he means, even moving seems such an effort.  Though he was simply trying to get out of doing the dishes.  He's often 'mysteriously unwell' on Wednesday and Sunday.

Jake knocked out mowing for me yesterday, Chan finished up when he quit.  That was nice, though I spent the day feeling a little off kilter from it being done.  It's such a weekly event, not orchestrating it has thrown me off.  I cleaned the house instead and while it's nice to have everything fresh and tidy, there's nothing left for me to DO.

Here's hoping something will reveal itself or some gumption will creep up on me and I will become interesting.  hahaha!  I wanted to capture our 'fun' summer and so far...well.  There's still 76 days left.