Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New Camera!

Picked up a used Olympus Tough camera on eBay for $50.  Yay!

We have an older model that is smaller and looks more rugged.  This one did NOT look like it would survive being under water, it's clunky!  It has a slightly better zoom and the video is in HD.

But it did!  I kept it in my pocket the whole hour I swam, Chandler used it while, too.  :)

Back at the house, the dogs were at the window.  SO cute!  Do you see little Nia?  Awwww!

Today was different, not only a new camera to play with, but I spent the night last night at our house to wait for the meter reader who, for the first time in 18 months, wanted me to put the dogs up.  She said she would be there before noon and I waited until nearly 2.  I hope they did not eat her.  (I heard back, she lived.)

While there, I cleaned out shelves and cabinets and bagged up stuff and dropped it off on the way through town.  I plan to do more of that tomorrow when we head back for the kids to mow before dance class.  I am in a 'clean' mode, Katy's house has SOOOOOO much light, the whole east wall is solid glass.  Our house is dark, it's always been not just dark, but light disappears in it, the cedar walls and ceiling absorb it. In an effort to at least make it more open I moved some things around, it's practically empty because the music stuff and computers are all up here!  Just beds, dressers and empty desks.  I can't make a glass wall, but maybe we can get some bright lamps, help with that gloom!