Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ken Cussion

Jake has started writing a script.  Ken Cussion is a crime fighter/video game tester who looks EXACTLY like Jake, thank goodness, or they'd never be able to cast the part.

His powers were activated when he received a blow to the head from radioactive material.  That may or may not have come from outer space.

The current wardrobe considerations involve a belt of power that has so much bling, I am unsure if it's safe to wear outside.  The crows may attack.  The kids are so hyped up, I wish we had a decent video camera, but at least we have cameras with video!  It could have been a flip book! 

Stay tuned for updates on KC!  if you can handle the AWESOME, that is.  I, myself, currently have purple glitter nails in honor of the event, fingers AND toes.  And...the leg of my pants and one knuckle and also a little on the couch.